The monthly board minutes, through the Month of August, can be found in the member’s section.
The September meeting will be held September 8th because of Labor Day.
Clarissa and I will be at the clubhouse Saturday Sept. 7th from 0800-1200 to do early membership renewals for 2025.
There was a lot of business conducted at this month’s board meeting.
The membership cookout will be held October 5th at 1200. The membership meeting will follow at 1330. Bring a dessert to share. The electing of new officers will take place during the meeting. If you or someone you know wants to run for one of the 3 officer positions, please have your nomination into the board by the September meeting so we can post them.
The SSSC match will have its last match on the 3rd Saturday of September, as we will longer have a match director. It will be a Cowboy rifle match. If you would like to volunteer as the new match director and continue this match into 2025, please contact me.
On October 19th, the 3rd Saturday match, will convert from SSSC to a PCSL match. more details will follow.
We will be hosting a youth shoot on October 26th. We are in need of volunteers to help as SOs and chaperones. Setup will begin at 0700. A safety meeting will be at 0800 and the youth shoot will begin at 0900. Jim Widener is the POC if you would like to help @ 334-797-2074.
Carly Palo will be hosting a Women on Target class on October 19th from 0700-1300. This class will be a pistol only class, centering on the pistols that women own personally. Participants should bring their personnel pistols (leave them in your vehicle) and 100 rounds of ammunition. All shooting will take place on the 25 yd range. The cost will be $10 per person and food and refreshments will be provided. Brenda Brewer will be hosting our annual Women on Target class again in early 2025.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by phone, text or email
Cameron – President TSGC
Website updates
Please be patient with me as I learn how to use and update our website. Although I have a good working knowledge of computers it’s still a bit of a learning curve working with websites. My plan is to make our website the center of club information. Thank you all for your continued patience. If there is a club member who has experience with word press and would like to help out with the website please contact me.
Cameron Crawley – President TSGC
**Members will not affiliate (real or perceived) or reference Tri-State Gun Club with any type of organization without written consent of the Board of Directors of TSGC.**